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Help! I'm in a pickle!

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:) My computer had been connecting to the internet via wireless connection with no problems for about five months, that's how long I've had my puter. The network is fine, my husband can connect on his laptop to the network without any issues at all. I can't connect on my VAIO even though my computer detects a connenction. Full bars connection. It won't connect to our home connection (security enabled) or the several other unsecured networks in my neighborhood.

No intruiging error message or anything.

I'v restarted/reset everything.
Tried to network diagnostic stuff.
Reset IP.

Can someone please help me? I'm in a pickle.
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Hello AmandaGrace,

What happens when you try to connect to your network via ethernet cable? Does a wired connection work?
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Okay. So just to be sure I was giving the correct information, I went and checked it out again. It says it's connected to an unidentified network. But I have no internet connection. I can't get 'online'...
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Can anyone help me with this? Apparently, for this type of problem I'd have to have someone come to my house to work on the 'puter.... :)

Please? :) I think all of the views were me checking to see if I've had a response. Sigh. :)
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Did you try what OpenOutcome suggested?

when you say you reset everything...

Do you mean the router modem and computer?

you are sure your wireless is "up and running on the computer"

good luck


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Did you try what OpenOutcome suggested?

Yes, I responded back to the OpenOutcome's question right away..."It says it's connected to an unidentified network. But I have no internet connection. I can't get 'online'..."

Do you mean the router modem and computer?

I've done everything that my computer has suggested I do... I did reset the modem, the computer, I renewed my IP address, I compared my security settings to those on my husbands computer....

you are sure your wireless is "up and running on the computer"

Well, my laptop is picking up my home signal, which is also powering ths (not my) computer via wireless.

Hopefuly someone can help me after the holiday.. :)

Thanks everyone who has given this some thought...
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Hello sorry for the delay...

I'm not sure how you did the reset on your hardware...

Please shut down the computer the router and the modem...(remove batteries from the modem if it has them)

After the modem has been shut down (30 secs) start it back up once it is fully back up and running (all lights indicate "ok")

power up your router... about 30 sec later...

Power up your computer...

Try your internet...

Did it work?

Let me know

Sorry if this seems basic(or you have already down this properly, I just need to start at the beginning)

Good luck


Edited by cbarnard, 05 July 2009 - 10:44 PM.

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:) Hmmm... for some reason this worked. I was going to just tell you I tried again, because I knew this wouldn't work, but I decided to not be a lazy bum. It worked. Thanks. :)
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Just remember the sequence to boot everything up... That is a common mistake people make... Causes lots of havoc...

Good luck


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Right on- Thanks again! :0)
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