I am having difficulties with browsers, I'll explain a little about my usage first, I need to run between 30-45 flash games at once, I have regular problemns with browsers failing to respond which requires I shut down group before it will resolve, I have killed off three pc's so far this year, the latest went yesterday, graphics went crummy and I did hard shut down as system not responding, system will not now boot up, I get nothing going to monitor, monitor has a red outline of a square with a triangle segment missing, the triangle segment is there but shifted to right to seperate it from box, this symbol is in outline only, flashes and is in red.
The system I am currently running is an acer aspire x3200, and appears to be running fine until I log in to id's which do incidentally share same server, (could this be causing problems) feel free to ask for more info as I'm aware that, that which I have supplied may be insufficient to help.
I'd appreciate any input.