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xbox media

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Hello there can somebody please help me.I have an xbox and I did all the media settings and I can see my pictures streamed from my pc to the TV perfectly so it is connected fine.I put a new playlist on windows media player and the xbox sees this playlist but when I open it it always says no songs found.All it sees are the stupid beethoven and sad songs that are already on windows media player.I dont know what I am doing wrong the songs are mp3 format so should be fine but why does it always say no songs found ???
Also when I do the network settings test media centre it always says fail but it is connected because when I put a new photo on my laptop it shows up and when I add a new playlist it shows up instantly but keeps saying no songs found.
Thanks in advance

Edited by kim2388, 01 August 2009 - 01:50 AM.

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