I have a Vista Premium AMD Turion x2 laptop, dual core, 250gb hd, 3g Ram.
Since purchase in Oct 08 until a couple of days ago, upon boot the memory meter always started at around 35% or less and never went past mid 40s for any time. For some reason, for the past few days, when I turn it on it is around 35%, but it increases gradually (40, 50, 60, 70%) in only a few hours of use. Even with no open programs/apps. Just a while ago, it got to a point where the memory meter was at 82% and the bar turned from green to red. I have done nothing different from the past. My Outlook is usually opened so that I know when emails arrive; I work with Firefox; and am your basic Word/PPt 07 user.
Every time I re-start, the issue starts all over again.
I have checked processes in the Task manager and nothing seems out of the ordinary. I've scanned for viruses and malware, and nothing.
It's driving me nuts.
Can you help?