Captain Gizmo's disk space recovery guide!
It's no new news, computers can easily fill up, and become as cramped as a closet. So, if you too are feeling claustrophobic when using your computer, follow these instructions to give yourself a little elbow room!
Firstly: To cleanup the computer, use Cleanup. This will detect and remove all redundant files, such as temporary internet files and recently used lists. The first time you use it it will ask you if you want to run it as a demo, if you click yes no files will be removed.
Secondly, you can remove any programs you don't use, such as trials that came with the computer. To do so, go to start, Control Panel, add/remove programs. Then, choose wisely what programs you would like to remove.
Thirdly, if you have Vista SP1, you can run the SP1 cleanup tool.
Click the Start orb, All Programs, Accessories, and click Command Prompt.
Type vsp1cln.exe and then press Enter on your keyboard. It will show a prompt asking if you wish to clean up, since after this you can not go back to pre-SP1.
Forth, if you have had no system issues, you can clean up system restore, by going to Start, run, CleanMmr and pressing enter (or right click, run as administrator on Vista). Once it is open, click on More Options at the top. under the System Restore section, click cleanup, and then OK. This may cause some momentary lag, wich will go away as soon as the space is freed. NOTE: DO NOT TURN SYSTEM RESTORE OFF.
Fifth, you can click back on the Cleanup Manager's general tab, and select all of the checkboxes you wish to clean and click OK, leting it clean all of its files.
sixth: if you have any videos, especialy those of the large variety, I would reccomend converting them to a smaller format using a great converter like Super . This also works great for audio, able to convert many formats, for free, better than paid applications.
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