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New Computer With Windows 7 But W/O Vista

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Don't know if anyone can answer this definitively but here goes:
I'm being a little paranoid here, but want Windows 7 without any trace (or vestige) of Vista.

I'm planning on buying a new computer (after Oct 22) and will probably get Dell desktop for 3 reasons: 1. good price; 2. have an 8 yo Dimension 4300 which has had NO hardware problems; and 3. Dell CPU's make it very easy to add hardware/modify (to my current PC I've added an HDD, a 3 1/2 drive, a DVD reader, and USB2 access).

Is there any way for me to know (or insure) that Dell doesn't pre-load my new machine with Vista and then apply the Win 7 upgrade.?
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Neil Jones

Neil Jones

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Tell Dell what you want.
Then if you don't get what you want, send it back.

After October 22nd most manufacturers will ship nothing but Windows 7, though you'll see many Vista examples around for a while as the machines come down the distribution chain and sold.
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Thank you for responding

Then if you don't get what you want, send it back.

But HOW do I know ... if it says Win 7 - I assume that it's Win 7 but was it upgraded from Vista?

After October 22nd most manufacturers will ship nothing but Windows 7...

I understand that but will they be upgraded systems? Just 'ghosted' to new machines? Not being familiar with the manufacturing processes involved, I'm concerned that 'left over' copies of Vista might be used.

As I said, I'm being paranoid but I really don't want to have anything to do with Vista (my wife's laptop has Vista and makes me glad I have XP and look forward to 7).
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    Kraków my love :)

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At command prompt paste:
systeminfo | find /i "original install date"
Hit Enter
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    Tech Staff

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I really don't believe Dell (or any manufacturer) would waste their time installing two operating systems... I could be wrong, but if you order a computer with Windows 7, you'll get Windows 7. :)
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    Kraków my love :)

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Also, if they even had some computer with Vista and wanted to sell them with Win 7 installed, I bet, they would go for clean install, not for upgrade.
Clean install is faster and problems free.
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OK - thanks all

topic closed
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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also....even if the computer originally has vista on it...when you run the windows 7 as an "upgrade" it replaces ALL of the windows files that have changed from the vista build to windows 7....so it's basically the same thing
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