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Vista wont Boot, Repair, or Re-format

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As the title says, i cannot boot windows vista. It goes to the loading screen after boot, then just black screens.

Next, i insert the vista disk, to run the repair console, but to no avail. It boots from CD, then just goes black after the loading screen. I waited about 15 minutes to see if it was just being slow, but nothing. I cannot even re format it off of the disk, as it wont load!

So then i try to format the HDD with windows XP. It loads fine, and gets to the menu listing Repair, Setup etc bla bla. So then i go to re format, and it says it cannot find the HDD.

I then undo and reseat the HDD, making sure it's plugged in. (LAPTOP!). Run windows reformat again, but it still says it cannot find the HDD.

I dont know whats wrong here, it very much sounds to me like the HDD is deaded and im gonna need a new one, but i looked in the BIOS settings to see if anything was unusual there, and BIOS was finding the HDD. Which made me wonder if something else was wrong, any other idea's?

Im pretty lost. Thanks :>
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    Kraków my love :)

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Run hard drive diagnostics: http://www.tacktech....ay.cfm?ttid=287
Make sure, you select tool, which is appropriate for the brand of your hard drive.
Depending on the program, it'll create bootable floppy, or bootable CD.
If downloaded file is of .iso type, use ImgBurn: http://www.imgburn.com/ to burn .iso file to a CD (select "Write image file to disc" option), and make the CD bootable.

NOTE. If your hard drive is made by Toshiba, unfortunately, you're out of luck, because Toshiba doesn't provide any diagnostic tool.
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I wish I could tell you WHY you are experiencing this, but all I can do is after much research (and having to completely reformat my new Vista comp over 10 times due to the fact I could never get that black screen of death crud fixed every time it happened), I can promise you, that you are not alone. SO MANY Vista users in countless forums I visited experienced the same thing. I never found any solution (including booting into vga mode, system restore, etc etc). I can not even tell you what the heck it was I did or did not do to cause this nuisance lol All I can do is give ya a pat on the back, and offer up one piece of advice: WINDOWS 7 lol. After the umptenth time that happened to me, I was convinced Vista is the spawn of Satan. Will NEVER go back to it . Good luck hon.
Ps.... I wont even mention how many times in that short span with that new Vista loaded computer that I had to reformat because Vista for whatever reason wanted to completely and for no reason totally TAKE AWAY my bootloader?? I eventually did find a solution to that (by downloading the REPAIR portion of Vista cd that us poor suckers who bought prebundled Windows Vista were screwed outta), however I can assure you. However had a hand in that horrid piece of software they call and OS, should be very sorry lmao. And I thought nuffin could be worse than ME (Millenium). BOY was I wrong!
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im having nearly same stuff... it goes black wait for few min and it loads... if it doesnt i reboot.. and it loads normally.. i have windows ultimate 64bit

Edited by reload147, 29 October 2009 - 01:43 PM.

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    Kraków my love :)

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after much research (and having to completely reformat my new Vista comp over 10 times due to the fact I could never get that black screen of death crud fixed every time it happened), I can promise you, that you are not alone. SO MANY Vista users in countless forums I visited experienced the same thing.

I'm sorry, but this is one of the most ridiculous statement, I've read this month...
To start with (talking from over 20 years of computer experience), if reinstalling ANY software, operating system included, ONCE, doesn't help, it simply means, you're NOT dealing with SOFTWARE problem. You don't need to do it TEN times.
Secondly, there always been, there are, and there always will be users, who hate every single operating system ever released.
But, there is a simple fact, that, the most computer problems are created by that thing between keyboard and the computer - THE USER.
I'm not a good cook, so I don't cook, because I don't want to poison anyone.
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im having nearly same stuff... it goes black wait for few min and it loads... if it doesnt i reboot.. and it loads normally.. i have windows ultimate 64bit

Glad you loaded after a few hon. I left my comp on waiting for over 7 hours once, and still, nada. I do AGREEE with the "TECH SUPPORT" who said that there was a conflict not being "dealt with" . However, once I did reformat, and "More than once yes (oh stone me and send me to the gallows", lol), I did a lot of googling and discovered there were many Vista users, with many "scenarios" that MIGHT have caused issue in first place, and quite a few with some possible "theories". My reply to the poster was just to let them know by no means, was this a rare or isolate case. I never proclaimed to have an answer, just stated what I thought was OK By the rules I READ, and stated my OWN personal opinion on the said OS in question . It is a piece of junk? So glad again yours fired up. It truly is a pain in the backside having to take the time to backup your stuff, and reload to factory default simply because there was a problem which I could not pinpoint no matter how hard I tried (despite the viewpoint of another, I know myself to be a very resourceful woman and I have only had 3 incidents in my years online that I have NOT been able to resolve on my own). It is annoying! Anyhow, It really is not that important. I believe , actually would put money on it, Vista will end up a dinosaur like ME Much sooner than later. TY for the reply (and for not flaming me on a public forum. It is much appreciated. Peace and Love, Cherry and Oh , by the way, during researching this situation, I did notice that the people who HAD been able to resolve the issue, 9 out of 10 times, were also running a 64 bit version of Windows. I ran Windows Vista Home Premium. 32 bit.
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I'm sorry, but this is one of the most ridiculous statement, I've read this month...

Hey no worries there buckwheat, because by calling anything in my post "ridiculous" (and also flaming me in this fine forum by insinuating my STUPIDITY), you removed any doubt from MY MIND,at least, who is the one with the challenges between the two of us! It is apparent you can not read (or possibly your comprehension skills need some fine tuning), and that surely is a larger cross to bear than myself. First of all, that is a HORRIBLE way to "INTRODUCE" yourself to a person who just joined that day? Tisk Tisk , "roar me King Tech Support, and you just dumb blond NOB"? OH way to go you stud, you. Not. I am far from impressed. If that is your idea of "HELP" Ty I will pass thanks.

If I might, I wish to quote you once more. "But, there is a simple fact, that, the most computer problems are created by that thing between keyboard and the computer - THE USER." Ok , please pay attention. (as once again, it is apparent you missed comprehending what you THOUGHT you read in my post that lead you to chose to be so vile to me). Did you totally space over this sentence of mine? TO QUOTE MYSELF... " I can not even tell you what the heck it was I DID to cause this nuisance." I am myself? The USER?? And right there, in plain site, I admit it was MY ERROR that was causing this to happen!! I just could not figure out what. Yes it is a SOFTWARE problem. Even if it were Vista causing it, VISTA is software lol. Nothing was wrong with my monitor or drivers, etc (I grew some smart girl panties, and of course plugged that in to another working comp to rule that out). I did all I could think of to nail what was that was not being compatible somewhere, somehow. However, I admit it. I do NOT walk on water, and I can NOT feed the masses with a few fish/loaves of bread. I am NOT perfect? I failed in finding out. Oh well, 1 out of 8 people in my country go hungry everyday and "STUFF HAPPENS". I am not afraid to fail, as to me the only real failure comes when one does not TRY. Of course there will be good and bad opinions regarding each and every platform of Windows? You know the saying, opinions are like ...well, You know! Everyone has one? And I have mine too. My thinking Vista is so horrid has more to do with the fact I KNOW MICROSOFT was aware of so many having the black screen issue, and believe they should have documented it (and if they did somewhere, done a much better job). It could have saved a lot of folks much grief. I TRULY believe you owe me an apology. I said nothing bad against ANY ONE PERSON here? I was friendly and tried to make light of the fact I was stumped? And for that, MY opinion was not only completely MISSED by you, You felt that it warranted basically calling me an IDIOT SAVANT in front of every member here who read YOUR OPINION. GHEEZ dude, take a happy pill and think before the next time that you fire off some negative bs without merit or reason, all right? As I KNOW I would have never spoken unprovoked to you or anyone here like that. It was FLAT RUDE. But once someone commits an injustice in this world for no reason to another human, it TICKS ME OFF a bit, and as sure as I would defend another if that were done to them , I will not sit on my laurels idle like and not defend myself. Heck no . I have done so , and in my mind, this is a closed matter. Just Please, next time if you have something so negative and humiliating to say to me, I implore of you. Think before you "speak", show some class, be a MAN, and private message me.

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