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Online Tech garage sale

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Anybody know of some good tech sites for selling old used tech gear? I have tried Craigslist already and hanv't had much luck. I have a high end gaming laptop with a quad core cpu that I need to get rid of.

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lol, ya im looking into that one right now. I just thought there might actually be a cool site just for tech releated gear.
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I've had overwhelming success putting used systems together and selling them on Craigslist. But I've noticed most users on there over price there stuff dramatically. They base the price off of what they paid for it 4 years ago instead of pricing it as what other "side businesses" are selling stuff for on there or what people that just want to get rid of something sell it for. (Which is dirt cheap usually)

For example, the going rate for a P4 2.8ghz Hyper-Threading, 512mb-1gb Ram, 40-80gb hard drive, xp pro, cd burner is about $120 in my area. Thats just for the tower, 17 LCD is going for about $50.

I've seen people list there personal system (same specs as above) for $300-$400, sometimes more... because they paid $1500 for that computer 5 or 6 years ago. So they think they are really putting out a bargain, but they are not.

As a "Craiglister" the advice I would give anyone that is having a hard time selling something is to lower the price. Do a search for things being sold just like yours and see what the rate for such an item is. If you want to sell quickly and everyone else has it listed at i.e. $200, then list yours ad $180 or $170, it will sell in a heart beat.

Hope that helps. :)

Edited by Ferrari, 28 October 2009 - 11:38 AM.

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