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Get Your Thoughts on Our Blog!

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Just in case you've never noticed before, our main site home page is actually a blog! We've been working hard to revitalize it, and breathe more life into it. Our goal is to have regular weekday postings... five days per week, every week.

On the GeeksToGo blog, we can and will discuss anything that is related to technology or social media. Computers. Gadgets. Phones. Hardware. Software. Operating Systems. Security. Browsers. Twitter! We are an all-encompassing site, and want to drive the blog that way, as well.

So, how does this affect you? Elementary, my dear young grasshoppers! :)

What do you want to see on the blog? We want to make this as much of a community effort as possible. At this time, staff members will be the ones writing the posts. However, we'd love to hear your topic ideas! Also, if you think of questions that you think the answers could be turned in to good blog posts, we'd love those, as well!

You can feel free to post any ideas/comments/suggestions here in this thread. Or, you can also send a private message to admin or myself, and we'll take a look at them.

GeeksToGo has worked hard over the years to make this site about our members. This is just one more way that we can hopefully include everyone, and make it even more of a community-driven site. :)
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  • PipPip
  • 54 posts
I've read a few articles from the main page and I found them very informative. Thank you Kat for taking the time, I know you are one of the writers and thank you to the rest of the writers for their time and efforts.
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Thank you, lavega. I'm having a lot of fun writing as often as I can for our blog. :)
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