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Square Enix getting old, or am i?

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Is it just me, or are the RPG games just not what they used to be. I remember playing through games like secret of mana, chrono trigger, xenogears, most of the final fantasy games non stop. Some of them were so good after you beat them, you kind of wish it would keep going. But it seems like ever since squarsoft merged with enix they haven't really produced any stellar stunners. The last SE game I played was The Last Remnant. The battle idea seemed fun and fresh at first, but after a while, I felt like a zombie just mashing buttons that the AI designated for me. The story seemed kind of weak too. I can spend all day on an MMO, but here lately about half way through most console games, I just lose interest. It just seems like now SE focuses more on play style, and new systems, rather than badass character development and storylines. Anyone have any good rpg titles for 360, ps3, and wii worth playing from start to finish?

Edited by vittorio, 16 November 2009 - 01:38 PM.

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the RPG games just not what they used to be.

I second that.
Everything they care about is GRAPHIC!
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