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cannot connect to NAS drive Win 7

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  • PipPip
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Hi, got a new laptop with windows 7. Joined my home wireless network no problem except that after a few days(all was fine at first) when booting up, the NAS drive plugged into the router shows as disconnected in windows explorer. In fact a bubble pops up in the system tray to say some drives cannot be connected (my wireless network printer has a card reader that appears as a drive). Occasionally I can reconnect the NAS and the card reader by clicking on them in explorer but usually all this does is genertae an error message about them being unavailable OR the name already being in use. BUT the network printer is always available when its card reader isn't and by entering the NAS drive IP adress I can get to its configuration page.

I can usually gain access to the NAS and card reader by disabling and reenabling the laptop wireless connection but it's iritating as I back up to the NAS and this won't work if it shows as disconnected... and the bubble apearing at boot up is also annoying. I've tried disabling the Bullguard firewall with no success.

Any help gratefully received as I thought I'd solved this but it's begun hapening again! Suspect win 7 has patched itself and 'done something'... the solution I thought I had was here.

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