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Confused and Frustrated

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I am not sure which thread to post this in so hopefully it is ok to post in both Vista and malware/virus threads. I have been using this home computer for a year and a half with virtually no problems. A few days ago I couldn't access certain things which I will list in just a bit. I used System Restore and everything worked fine for a day. Then those things went bad again and I have not been able to fix it again. Here is a list of things acting weird:
On the desktop:
-Trend Micro Antivirus loads only a white screen and am unable to run it unless in safe mode.
-Big Fish games client loads only a white screen
-Real Arcade loads but with weird error messages
In Internet Explorer:
-Hotmail and Outlook Web Access give me blank screens on the log in page
-Facebook allows me to log in but do nothing else
-Google search in the toolbar does not autofill, give suggestions or show any previous searches
-On espn.com, the scores normally located at the top of the screen are blank
-Among other little things I can't seem to remember right now

Now for what I have already tried:
-Hijack This
-System Restore again but there were no available dates from before the problems started happening.
-created a new user account but all the problems persisted

I am at a loss what to do next. I want to try to avoid reinstalling windows if I can. I am not too computer savvy and don't want screw anything up. Should I take it into a computer place? Does anybody have suggestions?
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