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Audio Driver question

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Okay so here is my simple problem..The computer that i am having an issue with used to have vista as an operating system and was downgraded to xp..the sounds works fine on the computer monitor itself however when i plug the speakers into the back they play very low and the sounds on the computer is cranked..the monitor sounds is then non existing however there are two sound plugs one on the front of the tower and one on the back and they are both plugged in. The audio drive currently instaled is a realtek HD audio driver could that have anything to do with it? Can someone please answer me
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cool cats

cool cats

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My iTunes and also my audio coming from the internet is playing through the front audio jack of my computer. I haven't tried it in the rear jacks but every other sound from other audio softwares i have I can hear. I have never had a problem like this. Please help.
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