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Driver crash - system lockup - Windows 7

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Admittidley I'm usually ok with this sort of problem but I think I will need some extra minds on this one.

I'm working with a HP Touchsmart Tx2-1010EA with Windows 7. recently the laptop has simply been locking up.
I have tried everything I can think of but I seem to be getting no where.

So this is what I've done -

Run VEW -
I have been getting allot of .cab errors like below:

CAPI2 4107
Failed extract of third-party root list from auto update cab at: <http://www.download....uthrootstl.cab> with error: The data is invalid.

I have attached the log anyhow as there have been soem other issues.
I have installed the new signature it points to but nothing seems to impact the problem.
Also there seems to have been a connection with this and Windows Media Player sharing service. I disabled that as I don't use it anyway but nothing.

Who Crashed
I ran WhoCrashed after the system crashed to a BSOD but it said no logs were availbale. I checked the settings and it is set to write a log but it just didn't do it.
However the BSOD I had was not like a usualy screen, however I cant remember what it was. It was something to do with a driver incorrectly signed. But it hasn't happend again.

I have basically started again with drivers on the system trying to determine a cause.
I have updated everything such as Graphics, touchpad, Wireless card, Sound and the extra HP hardware support.
I have remove the old ones before installing the new but to no avail.
The only real area at this moment was towards a Dell 725 printer. It constantly caused the printer spool to fail, but the installer seems to have failed giving :

Exactly like that. No luck with Revo either.

I ran the DXDiag command to verify everything there was working properly.
It did come up with Cannot find extended graphic settings but it didn't report an error and the scan finished successfully.

I also went through verifier to check the drivers but that cam back with nothing after finishing.

SFC Scannow
Ran sfc to verify the system but came up with no errors.
I haven't run checkdisk as well there's no problems in safe mode where I'm running now.

So yeah I'm not sure were to go to now. Blue screen view also came up with nothing.
Any ideas before I go ahead and re format?

Attached Files

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    Kraków my love :)

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When are you getting all those errors?
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Everyday it seems and all day. Generally when the PC is on if that's what you mean.
There was one the other day to say that the limit was reached and error reporting would be stopped for 60 minutes simply because there was so many of the CAPI2 4107 errors
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    Kraków my love :)

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There is a lot of hits on Google about Failed extract of third-party root list from auto update cab
Did you try to go through them?
http://www.google.co...G=Google Search
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Yep I went through a few pages.
There was not alot of finished thread with a realt outcome to them but there were a few different steps to try.

However as of yet today there has been no crashing or cab errors which is really confusing to me.

The only thing I have done since posting was uninstall:
Logitec mouse drivers - no longer required
Comodo Internet security suite - always apparent at the time of the crash
Reinstalled graphics drivers

So one of those steps was both relevant for the system crashing anf the errors in the event log. But at the moment it seems smooth.
I'm going to go and see if there are any connections to the above and the effects I've felt.
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    Kraków my love :)

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Very well then...:)
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Well thanks anyhow Broni, sorry to rush into this :)

Stumbled upon a thread on-line where the user contacted the customer services and there was an issue with the driver.
Same problem with the G19 keyboard to.

Thanks anyhow :) :)
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    Kraków my love :)

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You're welcome :)
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