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Compaq Laptop Will not boot past Logo

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Hi this is my first post. sorry if there is another problem on this.

My Compaq laptop will not go further than the logo screen. I installed
Windows 7 3 days before. The last thing i remember installing was Windows
XP Mode. An emulator for windows 7 for programs that couldnt run on it.

Anyways, i was doing a reboot, and when it was rebooting i had closed it
to run downstairs to eat.

(^ Pretty stupid i think)

It's not even a year old.

I've talked with the people at HP/Compaq and they told me to reseat my
RAM. Which i did, i also opened up half of the laptop, reseated the hardrive

I tried booting with each RAM stick. Nothing on that also.

I tried Windows 7 recovery disc. The disc spins but doesnt load.
Tried Windows XP Pro Disc. Nothing
I even tried an Autonuke disc, Which is supposed to wipe all data on the hardrive


Compaq Presario C500
Windows Se7en(always wanted to type that)
1536 MB of RAM

Last thing i want to do is ship it -.-

It has had no symptoms of slowing etc before. It ran perfectly with windows 7.

I've even installed Windows 7 on my desktop Emachines(which i am using atm)

And it only has 650 mb of RAM.

Please help.

- Acewing
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Compaq Laptop Will not boot past Logo

What Logo windows or Compaq?
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The Compaq Logo

I cannot get into Bios either.

CD's Won't Read.
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