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GeekU application question

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I realize this must be an incredibly common question on Geeks to go and I apologize for asking it... :)

Where does one go to find out of you've been accepted after ones applied. When I click "Apply to GeekU" it just sends me to the forum index page? Is there a specific spot where its going to say Yes or No?

Sorry I'm just super excited, and hope I get the opportunity! :) :) :)
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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you'll know when it happens (either with a yes or a no)
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to give you a more specific answer, in about a week check your PMs on this site. They don't email you, but message you through this forum's PM feature.

Hope that helps
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ive been waiting about 2 weeks now, and still no reply :)
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ive been waiting about 2 weeks now, and still no reply :)

It's possible they might be backlogged, I suppose. Well, I'm new here too, but the only thing I can say is check your PMs often, and if you really want to know whats happening send a PM inquiring to the status of your application.
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    OT Moderator

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Since the original question has been answered, I am going to close this topic so we can avoid everyone posting about where is my reply.

Be patient you will get an answer. :)
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