I work for a company that uses VPN for my training and other issues that I check everyday at home for my field work, unforunately the VPN style they use is in older version and I been attacked by a hidden virus that was waiting at the door of the vpn, the last one was the adobe flashplayer virus attack, one of the worst vicious virus attack I ever seen. I have tracked what the virus do to your computer and it ain't pretty. I did try format...finally down to to a point where I had to do cmos battery take out and wipe the bios settings to ensure complete 100% clean on my 5th or 6th format, i lost count of how many times in last three weeks. right now, im extremely wary and catious and tired, after finally deciding can't do it myself anymore, got on geeks to go and followed the malware removal guide which is really great...once i saw it was clean, I slept 14 hours first time in weeks. so but now .. with the safe computing.. i know i will probably not be safe against the weak VPN system which I must check for new customer jobs and such. But how can I ensure my own computer safety against that while go in the VPN system? (right now I am trying to recover my bios settings and find the right drivers for them, bios drivers are seriously hard to find...than the other hardwares for those that built computers than store bought ones.Built my own computer.

Any suggestions would be helpful...and disscusion about VPN issues as well would be welcomed too.