It's the Realtek AC97 Audio Configuration Sound Effects Manager. In XP, in this thing there was an option called "custom' or "customized" I can't remember for sure. It is in the Environment Section, where you can choose all sorts of different listening environments for different music effects. Or you can select 'generic', or 'none'. But before when I had this there was also an option as I said 'custom'. It would allow you to do many things to your audio. When you clicked on 'custom' up would pop up a box with various settings for things like 'room', 'HF', 'Roll Off', "Decay', "Decay HF', 'Reverb'. "Reverb Delay', 'Diffusion' 'Density', among other things. I used to like to monkey with these settings to experiment with my music. Now I don't have any of this in the Vista version. Everything else is exactly the same, except for the omission of this 'custom' option, which I VERY MUCH would like to get back. So I guess my question is, knowing what I am talking about, can I download this particular Sound Effects Manager, that has the 'custom' setting with all the things I mentioned, and replace it with the one I have now, that doesn't have the setting. I don't think it was particular to XP, but am not sure. Why would this particular component change with Vista?
So if I haven't confused you, and you know what I am talking about and what I need, I would appreciate your help in finding what I used to have, if it is possible. I really miss it, and want it back. If you have a download link, that would be greatly appreciated. I hope I have been clear...I did the best I could. Thank you.
PS If there is a similar product available, I would be open to that, as well, although I prefer the Realtek AC97 Audio Configuration Sound Effects Manager.