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Slower older PC

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I have reactivated an old Sony PCG-FX 340, and reinstalled Windows with Service pack 3.
It still runs slowly and with all the free "run fast" products out there, I'm not sure which one I can trust and that works with minimal space.
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    Malware Expert

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Don't trust any of them. Most likely you just need more memory. XP originally ran with less memory but XP SP3 seems to want a lot more. 512M or better 1G. Yours probably has only 128M or 256M and can only be upgraded to 512M (2x 256M). You need to turn off anything you don't absolutely need. http://www.blackvipe.../service411.htm

Don't use known cpu hogs like Symantec or McAfee. Avira or avast would be a better choice.

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