Thank you. Below is a quote from when I used their compatible memory tool by entering Emachines - T Series - 2682. This is what it says is compatible.
Each memory slot can hold DDR PC2700 with a maximum of 1GB per slot.
# Graphics Support: AGP 4X
# Maximum Memory: 2048MB
# Slots: 2 (2 banks of 1)
# Standard Memory: 512MB removable
# USB Support: 2.x Compliant
So you have two slots which probably means you have a 512mb and a 256mb sticks in them. 1GB will be just enough, I recommend going with 2GB.
HERE is 2 x 512mb = 1GB (DDR PC2700) Lowest Price is $38.99.
HERE is 2 x 1gb = 2GB (DDR PC 2700) Lowest Price is $72.99.
I do not recommend just buying one 512mb stick and installing it with your existing 512mb stick. They will not be identical and you will most likely have problems. It is always best to always use all matching RAM, especially in computers supporting dual channel mode. However, yours does not support dual channel configuration.
I hope that helps, and please feel free to ask any questions.