How to set-up multipule FireFox Profiles - The Easy Way
With this method, you really don't have to know anything more than how to install a Firefox extension. If you can handle that, then you will be able to set up several new profiles in no time at all.
First, install Profile Manager and Synchronizer 0.2.0 or whatever the latest release is. As of 12/28/09, this is considered an experimental add-on, so you will have to give it special permission in order to install it.
If you click it, you will see a simple menu for creating a new (or selecting an existing) profile
If you choose to create one from here, a new profile will be made as if you just downloaded a fresh copy of Firefox. But that's not so great. What about all of the useful extensions you have? They will all have to be downloaded and configured again.
There is another way to create new profiles with this extension, and it can bring along your extensions, themes, bookmarks, history and cookies. Open your add-ons manager, click on the extension you just installed and click on options.
The list on the left contains all of the profiles you currently have if they are in the same profile folder as your default. If you highlight your default profile, then click the duplicate button to the right.
Just enter the name for you new profile and click OK. Then another confirmation will pop up.
Click OK and then give it a minute or two to copy everything. When it is done, you will see your new profile at the bottom of the list. You are done and can start using your new profile.
How to set-up multipule FireFox Profiles - The Hard Way
1. Copy these instructions to notepad. (Or whatever text editor you want)
2. Shutdown firefox, X out, firefox CANNOT be running for this.
3. Press and hold the Windows Key and hit R (Win+R) to open the run menu.

4. Paste this in...
"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -profilemanager5. Click 'OK'
Now the profile manager will pop up...

As you can see, I've already created another profile.
6. Click 'Create'
7. Click 'Next'
8. Type in what you want to call the profile (I.E. Profile2)
9. Click 'Finish'
10. Make sure 'Don't Ask at Startup' is CHECKED like in my picture.
11. Click 'Exit'
Now you've made the new profile, But how to get to it?!
12. Create a new shortcut on your desktop for firefox, You can do this easily
by right clicking your current shortcut, and clicking copy, then right clicking
elsewhere and clicking paste.
13. Right click your new firefox shortcut.
14. Click 'properties'
15. In the TARGET box, Add the following to the END
-P profile2 -no-remoteChange profile2 to whatever you named the new profile to!!!
So, In my case, my FULL link will look like this...
"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -P profile2 -no-remote16. Click 'Ok'
17. Right click the shortcut, rename it to whatever you choose, I renamed mine 'profile2'
18. Enjoy!
Test it out, double-click that shortcut, and it'll open up what looks like a new installation
of firefox. This is the NEW profile.
Since this is a new profile, you have to reinstall everything in terms of addons, favorites etc.
How to set-up multipule profiles in Chrome.
1/ Download and install the lastest beta 5 or above.
2/ Change the short cut to C:\Users\Tony\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe -enable-udd-profiles
3/ Click on the shortcut..
4/ Once the main chrome window is open press [ctrl][ m] this opens "Select profile" window
5/ In the drop down box select [new profile] click [ok] this opens "Enter a new profile name" window.
6/ Type your new profile name in box.
7/ Tick "Create desKtop shortcut for this profile"
8/ Click [Ok]
Your done the new chrome profile will open making the desktop shortcut for that id at the same time..
I hope these are handy.