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comdlg32.ocx missing / dependant DLL files.

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  • PipPip
  • 71 posts
Greetings! it's been a while since I had to post... I've managed to keep my computers clean with what I've learned here in the past... this is the first time I've had to post in the non-virus related sides of the forum. wish me luck!

I'm trying to install/run a program that will allow me to convert E-books/.lit /.txt files into a format that is readable in the notes section of my iPod... easier to read them there than on a 17" laptop on the bus.

The program I installed is iPodLibrary:

Unpacking and installing seemed to go smooth, but the hiccup came in running the program:

Component 'COMDLG32.OCX' or one of it's dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.

trusting to google, I found a copy of the 'missing' file, and figured out how to register it... I think:

except that using the cited "regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Comdlg32.ocx" in adminster-mode command prompt brings another error, not the resolution other people seem to be getting... something about dependent DLLs being missing, and the .ocx file not being registered.

And then I resolved it while trying to recreate it. I think I'd been using the wrong address in the command prompt... since I'm not running vista ultimate, (which every other example of the problem seemed to be using) I'd been using the wrong file names... I have no file titled sysWOW64... I still have system32... that worked.

guess I'm just writing this all down so the next guy with a problem like this *will* find something with their solution. The program to read books on the iPod now runs fine.

Thanks, GeekstoGo forums! you're so good, I didn't even need a reply to resolve my problem!


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