I don't have and dvds or usb keys big enough hanging around my house at the moment, so I had just mounted the ISO of the trial onto a Virtual drive, then installed it to my second drive, it boots perfectly fine when given the option of vista or windows 7.
But if I remove the drive containing vista, which was my primary hard drive before, the farthest I get booting off the drive with windows 7 on it, is a flashing "_" on the screen and it doesn't go any farther, unless I need to wait like half an hour or something for it x.x
Any ideals on how to fix this? Because what I wanted to do is just install windows 7 on the second drive using the first drive to mount the ISO. Which I did. But I wanted it so after I did so, I could just remove the vista hard drive and use the windows 7 one as the boot drive and trash the vista drive.
They're both SATA drives, and the drive that I used secondary and want to switch to primary does not have a master/slave selection it is auto. (Just adding this info so people don't think it is a master/slave problem.