Yes! Just once between 8 June and yesterday. The dump file of yesterday shows problem with ntoskrnl.exe.......However, since 10 June, I am getting a disk error (event ID11, the driver detected a controller error on \device\Harddisk2\DR3 ...some time DR2 or DR1...
One 500 GB SATA hdd is paritioned into 3....(XP, win7 and recovery)...4 SATA hdd contains raid 5 (hardware raid).....Is the disk error pertains to the paritioned hard disk or raid? I reckon DR is the partion...hence error in Parition 1 or 2 or 3 and not raid.
Schannel and ntfs error are regular features....
I wonder whether I need to remove the parition, reformat and reinstall win7 as a standalone again?
To continue this further, as I was not any way using XP Pro, (1) I successfully removed the XP Parition and made win7 boot only. The win7 resides on a single SATA hardisk, which stays indepdent of RAID5. I ran two tests for hard drive error. (2) Having examined the event viewer, the diagnostic performance (operational) has series of errors on a regular basis at the startup, restart, shutdown over the period of time. The errors are: Critical, Diagnostic Performance, Event ID 100, Boot (shutdown, restart) Performance Monitoring
(1) WD data lifeguard diagnostics - short test showed no issue (SMART). I ran the extended test and went away. The system was shut down, probably half-way through, the extended test. I checked the help files, which do not have any thing related to system shut down during extended tests.
(2) The seatools for windows (both short and long drive self tests failed)....
In summary, I feel dual boot and partition do not appear to have been the problem...And so are the applications. I think whether the WD SATA HDD is failing. If correct, why WD data lifeguard (short) does not show errors. The seatolls for windows suggest running the tests at DoS mode if the window based tests fails. I ran chkdsk from command prompt. It found corrupt files that could not be repaired. The attachments show the screenshot of chkdsk and logs.
I'll now wait for your advise and recommendations including whether I need a spare SATA hard-disk handy?
Edited by SSri09, 15 June 2010 - 02:25 PM.