We'll, now I can't install a couple programs, and my steam won't run any games - they just crash before the game boots up, example: "iw4mp.exe" has stopped working (when i try to play Modern Warfare2).
And Im getting a few other errors, like sometimes my SoundMAX won't work, sometimes it does.
I'm not sure if theres any more problems, but there very well could be.
I tried going back and enabling all services, then restarted.. to no avail. Still same errors.
Anybody know what to do? Maybe something that doesn't require reinstalling windows?
I also just recently reapplied thermal compound to my gfx card and CPU. So I was tinkering around in my case, but everything seems to be working normal.
Those are the only 2 things I did recently.
Please help =( My brother JUST got a new PC so i was trying to speed up mine so we could play together... Now I'm holding us up.
Edited by xxgh05txx, 17 June 2010 - 01:57 PM.