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IE 8 Ad?

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Alright I was watching the history channel surfing the net like usual. And an Ad caught my attention. It was for Internet Explorer 8 saying it is the most secure browser available and it blocks more than 3 million attacks a day??

I found a youtube of the ad here -> . Kind of odd IMO and think that MS is hurting since more and more people are switching to alternative browsers.

The only time I use IE now is when dealing with one or two sites that WILL NOT function unless you are using IE 6 or 7 (no IE 8 support). And the webmasters refuse to make the site cross browser compatible. In fact I pretty much stopped using the two sites and said f it.

Edited by amw_drizz, 18 June 2010 - 06:23 PM.

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    Tech Staff

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Yeah i have been seeing that ad around as well and I can say that your exploitation of why they are running it it the same thing i thought of when I saw it, I hate IE, now I don't use it much mostly because I use macs for the most part but i have 3 or 4 PC that i use a lot and i still don't use IE I even uninstalled it one my desktop. :)
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    GeekU Moderator

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This appears to be a common misperception. All browsers are vulnerable to some degree or other, and none are bullet proof.

I did use Firefox once but I just got tired of having to find addons to get the thing working the way I wanted. So for the last 5 or 6 years I have used IE exclusively with nary a problem. But having said that at the end of the day it is down to you which browser you use, always go for the one you are more comfortable with and that suits your needs. Test them out yourself rather than relying on reviews :)
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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a lot of people are noticing that microsoft is doing a lot more advertising as of late. and most people jump to the conclusion that it's because they're "hurting" because of some of the competition. that may be part of the reason, but, MS has actually (within the last 2 years) realized that one of the biggest parts of their business model that's been lacking is advertising and getting the word out that their products DO in fact work, work well, and are easy to use. Everyone under the sun has been using the advertising model of "well, we're not microsoft" as their main talking point in their ads and MS has finally decided that it's time to make sure people don't just blindly listen to misinformation. It's part of normal business to do marketing, no matter how high up the food chain you are.
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