I wonder if anyone can help me. i'm wanting to retrieve some files from a broken western digital 500gb My book external hard drive and have found some hardware with a disc of drivers to do the job. I just dont know if it is compatible with Mac Osx 10.6.3 snow leopard.
Here is the link for the hardware/software with details:
and here is my original post, posted in the hardware section of the forum:
I hope someone can help me.
I have a 500GB Western Digital My Book external hard drive, that died. I got in touch with WD and after various confusing emails, it seems that they couldn't replace my drive and if I wanted to retrieve my data it would be costly and take forever blahdy blah. So i thought surely i could do this myself?
It seems fairly common for the chip that powers the drive to go but the drives seem to remain intact, I've seen people use them as regular HD's.
Unfortunately I have a macbook so no tower to plug the drive into.
I have however, seen various cables on ebay that claim to convert SATA to USB 0.2, this is where my knowledge ends though.
I've managed to open the case of the 'my book' and got what looks like a normal HD out. But I am totally unsure on what cable to purchase.
These ebay ones all say SATA 44 pin etc. And that you obviously need a power source for the drive.
Mine has no 'pin' holes. It has two circuit chip looking things sticking out of it, one large and one small - once I have disconnected the 'power chip'. SO how would I power it? ...via the converter cable?
The sticker on the side has a diagram of these chips ( the --- represents the drawing of the chips) and says:
Master/slave jumper not required for SATA
Jumpered pins 3 and 4 enable PUIS (power up in standby)
P15-------P1 S7-----S1 8642
SATA power Serial data Factory Jumper
I've found a few people online with the same poblem and tutorials but for different drives with different insides. My question is, does anyone know what kind of cable I need to hook this up to my macbook via USB So that I can retrieve my data?
other details for drive:
Date: 24 Jan 2008
Thank you
Yesterday, 09:34 AM
Post #2
Posts: 349
From: Montreal
OS: XP Pro
Check this link, this is probably what your looking for.
Please take note I am French so excuse if I make any English mistakes
I am no expert, just a curious mind
I do not know it all, I just like to know all that I can
Today, 02:56 AM
Post #3
New Member
Posts: 5
OS: mac os x
Hey Alzeimer
thanks very much for you reply. The hardware seems exactly the thing I need. My only concern is that the disc only seems to support windows systems and I'm on MAC OS X 10.6.3 snow leopard. Do you think I would need drivers for this kind of thing?
Today, 05:18 AM
Post #4
Posts: 349
From: Montreal
OS: XP Pro
I do not know, only windows 98se requires drivers anything after does not and they do not mention Mac OS and I am unfamilir with Mac so I really do not know.
Maybe you should start a thread in the All other Operating Systems and ask if this piece of hardware (Chipset: JMicron-JM20339) is compatible with your Mac OS.
Sorry cannot help more and hopefully someoene else will have an answer for you.
Please take note I am French so excuse if I make any English mistakes
I am no expert, just a curious mind
I do not know it all, I just like to know all that I can
A minute ago
Post #5
New Member
Posts: 5
OS: mac os x
No worries Alzeimer
Thank you very much for your help
Thank you