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Using a USB Flash Drive as Xbox Storage Device

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  • PipPipPip
  • 391 posts
Hey everyone,

I just came across a Core Xbox 360 for a good deal, but it came with no storage device (hence the word "Core", I suppose). No hard drive, no internal MU, no external MU. However, Microsoft has released an update to give the user the ability to use standard USB Flash Drives as a storage device. I want to get a new Flash Drive that is only dedicated to the Xbox (maybe 4GB or 8GB).

Does anyone have any experience using Flash Drives as Storage Devices for their Xbox 360? Are their any brands that work better than any other for this scenario? I know SanDisk has an agreement with Microsoft to use their "Xbox-ready" flash drives, but I don't feel like shelling out that much extra money for a little bit more assurance of compatibility.

The only brand I have tried so far is Memorex 1GB Traveldrive and it seems to work fine, but I was hoping to get some advice/opinions. Thanks!
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  • PipPipPip
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Found a good deal on the HP v125w (16GB).

Works fine so far. Played several Demos, and a couple of games. The only problem I have encountered is the Star Wars Force Unleashed Demo would stutter really bad during the cutscenes (sometimes to the point where I needed to quit). Not sure if it's because of the Flash Drive, though.
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