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Mac severe slowdown due to Font management

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  • PipPipPip
  • 266 posts
Hi there,

I'm running an iMac at the place I work. I'm a graphic designer and use the machine almost entirely for that purpose. I've been a PC user most my life and know the ins and outs in that dpt, but with Mac I basically just know the software, not the nitty gritty.

Since getting it, I've been running Suitcase Fusion to manage my typefaces. Recently, however someone installed some version of Fontbook onto the machine as well. After they did this, the machine slowed down immensely when opening programs (especially Microsoft Office programs, even Entourage takes ages to open!). I've removed Fontbook and deactivated the fonts in Suitcase, but the problem doesn't seem to go away. It still takes about 20 minutes (I'm not kidding) to open Entourage and about 5 - 10 minutes to open an Excel Spreadsheet, not to mention the slowdown in the Adobe programs. Is there some way of cleaning and tweaking this whole shebang so that everything goes back the way it was pre-Fontbook? I can't really afford to format the drives at this stage as all the product keys and serial numbers are held by our IT dpt, so that's about 2 days' worth of phonecalls and getting everything re-registered.

Thanks in advance
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  • PipPipPip
  • 266 posts
I figured out the problem in the meantime. Fontbook added all my fonts and typefaces to my User library as duplicates (as opposed to runnning off the System library), so when I uninstalled Fontbook, all these fonts in my user library were permanently activated. I deleted all fonts from the user library, leaving only the fonts in the System library and re-added them via Suitcase (leaving them deactivated but present). Slowdown has disappeared and everything loads just fine now.
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    Tech Staff

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Thanks for posting how you figured it out and fixed it. you really helped me out because I was looking for an answer to this exact issue. :)
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