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New Graphics Card RadeonHD 4350

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hey guys i kinda have a urgent question as to what to do in this specific situation, im well experienced with computers but im particularly stomped as to whats going on now

My System Spec:
Make:Compaq Presario
Model:GN578AA-ABA SR5233WM
processor: Intel Pentium D 945G 2.8 Ghz
Ram: X2 512MB DDR
Graphics Card: XFX ATI RadeonHD 4350 - 1024 MB

Anyways now to my problem. i installed a new Graphics card (the one mentioned above) and noticed at first that my CPU was strangely high all the time after i installed it and noticed my fan kept kicking on however the graphics card stayed strangely between 55-61c and 75c when playing Dragon Age: Origins after about 48 hours and 12 hours of gameplay (4 hour sessions) the game started skipping and glitching badly i felt around my computer and felt the heat coming from where the fan sits away from my CPU and lower then my graphics card i quickly checked and it was at 80c so i let it cool down and cleaned the fan removing clots of dust along the heatsink behind the fan gently when i put it all back together the fan seemed really quiet its RPM's went from reading 4000 to 1700 however the GPU is resting at 71c idle... im scared to try and play a high end game right now... is there any way i can amp up my stock fan again or lower the heat coming from the GPU

Thermal Readings:
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    Mechanised Mod

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Hi Sleepy420 :) sorry to hear you are having this issue.
I suggest you download and run Speedfan from here http://www.almico.com/sfdownload.php
uncheck the auto setting and manually configure the fans settings to your requirements.
Check the XFX website for any driver updates, you need to register first http://xfxforce.com/...lp/Support.aspx
Hope this helps and let us know how it goes
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Hi.... So as you can tell by the name, I'm no techie. Im just a kid. However, I just ordered this video card after a fair amount of research. and everything I read said that this card is NOT GOOD for high end games. So this could be your issue, but again, I'm just a kid, so don't take my word for it....
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Quality of game vs. card temperatures sounds like a different issue to me. So I would agree with you ComputerKid, this isn't a high-end card, it's a budget card and not suited for someone wanting good FPS with high detail at high resolutions for modern games. But I don't think it's related to the high temperatures.

Sleepy420, please install and run Speedfan as administrator as phillpower2 posted, report back with temperatures, fan speeds, and voltages listed there.

Also as it is an ATI card grab the latest drivers from the ATI website.

I use quite a few of the HD4350 cards in low-end builds, in particular the ASUS version which is fanless and simply has a large double-width heatsink. I will doublecheck next time I use one in a build (some are already on order) and see what temps are reported there.

Also another question, can you please describe in detail the cooling inside the case? A diagram or photo uploaded would help greatly.


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A question for you, Troy.... Could it be an issue with an inadequate PSU? Because I had heard that this can damage cards over time and decrease their usefulness.... I bought the Corsair CX400 watt psu to make sure I have sufficient power and good amp ratings.
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and another question troy.... You said you particularly use the Asus version of the 4350. This is the version I had ordered. How does this card seem to work? Is it good for watching movies and tv on ur computer? How about for just basic performance? and what about low end games?
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Sorry for the delay, I've been away recently. For all those things you mention the HD4350 is a great card.

I have seen many issues caused by inadequate PSUs... this is one of the common issues! The Corsair CX 400W is a great unit, I have used it once before and was very impressed with the quality and voltages.
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