for about a week ago my computer running windows 7 - 64bit got problem starting.
Windows repair started and I choosed to restor to a later date where the system worked correctly.
After that everything looked okey, but sudenly I get this error messeage at start up that googleupdate can't
start correctly error code 0xc0000142.After that all applications was like that, trying to start a games, open
web browsers, testet both internet explorer and google chrome. and tryed to uninstall programs still the same,
error code 0xc000142 pops up.
I have tryed everything I can think of that could be the problem, I have flashed my HDD and reinstalled the OS 4time.
have even runed the Program Geek Squad wich did not find any more problem then that I have 1 virus which it had removed.
The hardware was fine and worked correctly, which made my last guess what it could be to fail (HDD borken in some way).
The thing that makes it realy hard to get a hold on the problem is that it do not start in any specific point, it just was there
one day, reinstalled 4 times as I said and the system have work for about 1 - 2 days after that then the same problem happens again.
That's all I have, sorry for my bad english and if this is posted at the wrong place, but pleace help.
// Robert