I have a recurring problem on my HP Pavillion laptop, that usually isn't a huge problem, but on this occasion it is.
I tend to open lots and lots of tabs while on the internet. (My laptop runs on Windows 7, so that's IE 8.0 right?) After I have opened I don't know after how many, but It would have to be around more than 20, tabs my screen goes all black and flickery, I'm not really sure how to describe it, but I then usually shut the computer down using the power button. Wait for it to powerdown, then press it again to start the computer up again. Then on the screen a list of options are presented, and most times I have pressed the "Start windows normally" option. This is fine, and then I log onto my account. I then open the internet and it offers me two options "re-open last browsing session" or "open homepage tabs". Generally I have no problem clicking the first option, then my tabs load again and I try to be careful from there on, but sometimes, and today I accidentaly clicked "open homepages". Now I can not re-open any tabs I opened today because my history from today is wiped and all that shows up are my homepage tabs. I can still acess the sites I looked at yesterday, but none that I looked at today.
Unfortunalty I didn't have Google web histroy enabled, and I can't think of anyway to re-open all the tabs I had up.
Any help? Or is this unfixable
Thank you.
Edited by beetroot, 22 September 2010 - 05:17 AM.