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windows 7 freezes on internet videos

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I've had this problem ever since I installed Win7. Since then I've managed to contain it to the degree that it's 95% usable. I had posted another message on this forum, many months ago, but left on a vacation and upon my return got tired of trying. Here's the topic : http://www.geekstogo..._1#entry1764508

To explain all the events, here it is:
-at first it froze randomly, even if i opened a folder or anything, and the video driver stopped working (Nvidia graphics card)
-managed to make the video driver glitch stop by modifying a certain registry (could do some research on that if needed)
-did a bunch of things with the help of rshaffer61, in the topic above (reinstalled many drivers, changed my windows theme to normal, not the aero one) - this stopped another 70% of crashes
-set my PC on performance power settings
-used DPC Latency Check to monitor my crashes, which now only occured upon opening any big-size video file (eg. HD clips), and disabled "VIA 1394 OHCI compliant host controller", which made the crashed disappear, with the exception of internet videos (eg. Youtube)

I tried disabling about everything which could be safely disabled from Device manager (there are some system devices which i haven't touched, and could be a possibility, but not sure what they are for). Tried disabling every network adapter or sound device (even the ones from system devices).

The problem now is only related to video streaming on the internet, at the very start of a video i get a slight delay (2 red spies on DPC Latency check), and every now or then it freezes my pc, needing a restart to fix.

I've searched a lot to solve this problem, I could see that many people have a variation of it, but I have tried many things and I'm running out of solutions.
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sorry for the double post, but i need help, please.
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please, can anyone help?
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    Mechanised Mod

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Hi trosco,
Sorry there is a delay in someone coming to your assistance.
I recommend that you post your topic in the "Waiting Room" area of the forum where it will not be overlooked as can sometimes happen on the open forums, the Techs regularly check the waiting area and I am sure rshaffer61 who has assisted you in depth previously would have picked your topic up sooner in the waiting room.
All you need do in the waiting room is post the title of your topic and provide a link to this thread.
One thing you can do that may help things along is check your system for any malware/virus infection, you can do this by using the self help guide from here http://www.geekstogo...cleaning-guide/
If you do find that your computer is infected with something you cannot resolve yourself you must start a new thread there and provide them with a link to your previous threads so the steps you have already carried out can be checked, you must not post malware logs here it is not appropriate.
Best of luck I hope you get the issue sorted.
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Hey Trosco I just looked at your other post again and I think the problem with the hd diagnostics is you used a windows version instead of the cd ISO version for DOS.
You need to get the latter and boot the system using that disk. That way the OS is not part of the equation then.
Run the test and let us know if the Cable Test fails again or if the diagnostics finishes and\or finds any other errors.

Run hard drive diagnostics: http://www.tacktech....ay.cfm?ttid=287
Make sure, you select tool, which is appropriate for the brand of your hard drive. Western Digital
Depending on the program, it'll create bootable floppy, or bootable CD.
If downloaded file is of .iso type, use ImgBurn: http://www.imgburn.com/ to burn .iso file to a CD (select "Write image file to disc" option), and make the CD bootable.

NOTE. If your hard drive is made by Toshiba, unfortunately, you're out of luck, because Toshiba doesn't provide any diagnostic tool.

Thanks to Broni for the instructions
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I tried the diagnostics tool for my HDD (aaks5000 series), burned it with imgBurn and when I tried to boot it it gets stuck. It says "Initialising ..." very fast and then gets stuck in a black screen till restart. I'll try a new cd tomorrow, hopefully it was just bad media.
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Try using the Sea Tools dos cd ISO version.
Seagates diagnostics tool seems to work on most drives out there now with very good results.
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I ran the Long test from the Seagate Tools, and there weren't any errors or anything. But strangely, I noticed that IE doesn't crash anymore (just a few days ago, after reinstaling Firefox, and forgot to make it default browser for everything). I know it used to crash on internet videos also, I checked some time ago. I'll uninstall Firefox for the moment and I'll monitor IE over the next few days, I remember Firefox didn't crash the first week after disabling that thing in device manager either, hope this time it doesn't happen.
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Well that is good news for sure. We will monitor this topic for your results in a couple of days. :D
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well I'm pretty sure IE solved it, hasn't frozen once since using it. But I fear some glitches in my system, for eg. 2 days ago I started the PC and it instantly froze upon loading desktop. Could you recommend some diagnostic tools to test for different problems? I don't think this is to worry about, but it would be better to run a few programs in my opinion.
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Go to

Start and then to Run
Type in Chkdsk /r Note the space between k and /
Click Enter ...It will probably ask if you want to do this on the next reboot...click Y
If the window doesn't shutdown on its own then reboot the system manually. On reboot the system will start the chkdsk operation
This one will take longer then chkdsk /f

Note... there are 5 stages...
It may appear to hang at a certain percent for a hour or more or even back up and go over the same area...this is normal...
This can take several hours to complete.
When completed it will boot the system back into windows.

Let me know if this fixes the problem
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chkdsk /r didn't detect any errors. On the other hand my pc froze 2 times upon starting today, and twice when closing internet explorer (right the second i pressed Close). Could the freezes be related to the graphics card, any way to test for that? I also have another PC, about 6 years old now, in case swapping cards is an option.
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Lets try another program.
Please Run the PCPitstop.com OverDrive Full Tests

Here's how:

You must use your Internet Explorer for this procedure. (doesn't work so well in Firefox or others). If your machine is running Vista or Windows 7, you must Select IE to “Run as Administrator”. After completing PCPitstop OverDrive you can close your IE browser and re-open it Normally so that you are no longer running as administrator.

Go to: http://www.pcpitstop.com
Click on "Free Computer Check-up" listed below PC Pitstop OverDrive
In the User Login - Click on "Sign up FREE!"
You'll need to submit a valid email address and create your own password, then click - Create Account(button)

Now enter your email address and password to Log in, Select - Scan this system Now!(button)
You will then be asked to download an ActiveX component and allow it to install.
It is safe and does not compromise your privacy.
Follow the on-screen prompts to install the ActiveX and to allow the Full Tests to be run on your machine.

The Full Tests take about 2 1/2 - 3 minutes on most machines.
When complete, a Results - Summary - Recommended Fixes will be displayed.

Please post the URL internet address, from your Results, back here into this Topic Thread so that we can review the configuration and present performance levels of your machine.

Note: During the graphics 2D and graphics 3D testing, your screen will display some rapidly moving objects.
If you are sensitive to visual flashing, it may cause dizziness. Therefore, look away from the screen during that portion of the testing.

After reviewing the results we will be more informed and may be able to provide better recommendations for you to work towards improving your machine's performance.

While PCPitstop does offer a variety of Paid Products, the PCPitstop OverDrive testing is FREE. Please ignore the references to Paid Products. At WTT we prefer to provide manual solution instructions that you can apply directly to your machine.

Best Regards
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here's the link to the results :http://www.pcpitstop.com/betapit/sec.asp?conid=23990210
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Download Autoruns from the link in my signature below:

1: Extract the Autoruns Zip file contents to a folder.
2: Double-click the "Autoruns.exe".
3: Click on the "Everything" tab
4: Remove any entries that mention "File Not Found" by right-clicking the entry and select Delete.
5: Go to File then to Export As or Save in some versions.
6: Save AutoRuns.txt file to known location like your Desktop.
7: Attach to your next reply.

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