I've had an Epson Home Cinema 400 projector for about three years now. We shoot across our living room to a screen that is 10 feet wide and 6 feet high. We use it in conjunction with our X-Box 360 to play games and watch movies.
The other day, I noticed the screen wasn't quite square...but only on the bottom. The top of the image is completely level and in alignment with the top of the screen. The bottom of the image, however, tilts downward from left to right. The left side of the image is about an inch or so above the bottom of the screen and the right side of the image spills onto the bottom border by about two or three inches.
Keystone made the bottom worse and threw the top off. I've tried every setting I can find and have referenced my manual. After extensive research online, I can't seem to find anything for this type problem so am starting to wonder if this one is a goner? I mean seriously, how can only the bottom of the image be crooked? Makes no sense.
Any ideas?