I noticed my computer has been really sluggish for a couple of days, and today when I was on the internet, a Norton box popped up and indicated it had blocked an attempt to take over my computer. I shut down the internet and checked the Norton file, and it gave this Risk name HTTPS TidservRequest2 / Severity: High. I clicked on the Explorer button to get back on the internet again but couldn't open the home page. After several attempts, I rebooted and went into Safe Mode, which took much longer to do than ever before. When I was in Safe Mode, I still could not get on the Internet when I clicked the Explorer icon. In the past when I've had computer issues, I have been able to get on the internet in Safe Mode, but can not do that now. When I'm in regular mode, every now and then the Norton box pops up on my desktop saying it has successfully blocked a take-over attempt. Can anyone help me with this problem? Please remembemr that I am not too computer sauvy, so I need things explained in as simple a manner as possible. Thank you.