Well, I'm starting to run out of ideas. Let's get a little more "hardcore" here with our approach.
This fix is a little drastic, but solves most iTunes connection problems. Try deleting your user preference file for iTunes.
You want to make a backup of the original file before deletion.Keep in mind that you will lose all iTunes preferences, but you can put back the original file if it doesn't work. If it does, you'll have to recreate any and all preferences you have set.
Close iTunes
Navigate to
C:\Users\InsertUserNameHere\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\iTunes\iTunesPrefs.xmlI don't know your username, so you'll need to substitute it for the part above where I have "InsertUsernameHere".
Once you find that file, you'll want to make a copy first, delete the original and restart iTunes. iTunes will automatically recreate the iTunesPrefs.xml file when you reopen iTunes
If that doesn't work, just close iTunes, and overwrite the new file with the old one you made a backup of earlier.
Edited by Spyderturbo007, 10 December 2010 - 12:38 PM.