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XBOX red ring help

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I came home from class and my roomies told me that my xbox got the rrod and i know it happens when the gpu and/or cpu get hot and warp the motherboard, which i can guarantee you is from them leaving it on all night long numerous times. Im a nice guy and wasnt gonna make them buy me a new one (esp because i couldnt PROVE they broke it) and i like a challenege so i looked up the x-clamp fix on google. I figured it out, got the rrod to go away, played over 2 hours of CoD on it, waited a couple days, got rrod again, adjusted a couple screws to change the pressure on the gpu, got the rrod to go away again, but now every time i load CoD it gives me 2 lights and shuts down after about 2 minutes on it. I can watch a whole movie with the fans running wild, but as soon as i load CoD it shuts down. I have the shell still off and the heat sinks are never even hardly warm, so it cant be overheating. Please help me out, Christmas break is coming up and i would really like to have my xbox

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buy a new one.

Edited by SweetTech, 01 September 2011 - 06:02 PM.
removed link.--ST

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Why not contact M$ for a repair normally they will get it repaired for Free if its within the Red Ring warranty of 3 years and if the Seals are all intact.

Also I know this may sound dumb but some people actually forget to put the Fan shroud back in Lol that helps the circulation so much! :)

Edited by NayNay1991x, 20 July 2011 - 12:50 PM.

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