Ah ha, then you must mean "unacceptable", (i.e., not acceptable; not pleasing or welcome. Example: The unemployment rate is unacceptably high).What I meant was their behavior can not be excepted ...
Best of luck on your quest.

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Ah ha, then you must mean "unacceptable", (i.e., not acceptable; not pleasing or welcome. Example: The unemployment rate is unacceptably high).What I meant was their behavior can not be excepted ...
That's exactly what I meant!! Thanks Mr. Webster.Just kidding. Thanks for your reply. I will do my best to inform people about their software. They have new software out today. Check it out for me. It's Beta, I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. You can Google it.XXXXX Malware Fighter. You can guess what's behind the X's. I could give the link, but I won't.Ah ha, then you must mean "unacceptable", (i.e., not acceptable; not pleasing or welcome. Example: The unemployment rate is unacceptably high).
What I meant was their behavior can not be excepted ...
Best of luck on your quest.
Hello my friend! I'm not familiar with all this! I think I'll just leave it as is. I have a password that allows me to access the internet, and every thing is working just fine. Thank you for your reply's my friend.No need for me to check out the software. I know what I have and what I have works just fine for me.
Did you manage to access your router interface? If so (and you have never accessed it before), make sure to change the default password to something more secure than admin!
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