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White-screen when running 'heavy' applications

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Greetings GeeksToGo,

I've recently ran into a problem consisting of my screen turning completely white when visiting heavy websites and playing games. The issue only steps in after a little while, running the game else perfectly or browsing the site without any problems. The game, or website is running in the bagground, and I can still hear sounds from it, if it is in a game, i can still play it, but no image is shown other than a blank, white screen.

It all started 2 days ago, when i was playing World of Warcraft, my screen would briefly turn white, and then back to normal only seconds later. I ignored it and thought it was some strange weird bug of some sort.

By the way, when the white screen was over, it showed a blink of some decolored image i cannot describe on top of my head, but it only lasted for less than a second.

About 20 minutes later it returned, about the same duration of the white screen, but now it kept coming with less time between. Now, if i open World of Warcraft, it only takes a minute or two before it turns white, but now it lasts for way longer, i've not waited the whole duration, but rather tried shutting down (both soft and hard shutdowns) only to find my reboot screen being completely black. Waiting for a random period of time results in no graphical error when using the computer for anything but 'heavy' applications.

The problem also encounters if i visit Youtube or other sorts of sites that might use more than average sites.

I am running Windows Vista 64Bit Service Pack 1

Asus G2Sg (Laptop) (2,5 years old)

Intel Core Duo T9300 @2,50 GHz processors

4,0Gigs of DDR2 Ram

GeForce 8700m GT Graphic Card

Hope you guys can help me out here :D

Thanks, Victor

Edited by Zika, 26 December 2010 - 09:39 AM.

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Hi Zika :D sorry to hear you are having display issues.
Possible causes for the white screens may be 1: An overheating or failing graphics chip. 2: The video ribbon from the MB to LCD screen becoming damaged or becoming lose and 3: A failing LCD screen or inverter.
Can you connect the laptop to an external screen via the vga port and use the laptop under the same conditions to when the laptop screen goes white and see what happens, has the inside of the laptop ever been cleaned out?
Also I noticed from looking at your laptops specs that is has a NVIDIA GeForce 8700M GT graphics chip, over the past few years Nvidea has had terrible problems with its integrated graphics chips due to a design fault with the soldering, I will look and see if your laptop is on a list of affected computers and post back.
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Your GFX chip is on the list of ones known to be affected by high temperatures, see the problems section towards the bottom of the page at the attached link http://en.wikipedia....eForce_8_Series this is only something to consider and not a definitive answer.
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Thanks for the post phillpower2, i tried connecting an extern monitor to the screen, it used to work, but now it doesn't, it doesn't even recognize it being connected :D

And secondly, no, i have not cleaned my laptop, other than on the outside. Would you suggest that I disassembeled it and cleaned the insides? (or the fan only?)

I've also heard from other owners of the Graphics Card, whom also are having heat issues, at the moment it's about 70C idle, which seams VERY hot, it can go up to 100-110C when running High Perfomance.

Edited by Zika, 26 December 2010 - 12:10 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hi Victor,

i tried connecting an extern monitor to the screen, it used to work, but now it doesn't, it doesn't even recognize it being connected

You may need to toggle between screens using the Fn key and one of the F1 to F12 keys, turn the laptop off and connect the external screen and power the laptop up, if the external screen doesn`t come on automatically hold down the Fn key and then go along the F1 to F12 keys tapping or holding them down one at a time and see if the external screen comes on.

Would you suggest that I disassembled it and cleaned the insides? (or the fan only?)

Disassembling a laptop is a task best left to a person who is comfortable taking the job on and I for one would not advise it to someone who had not done it before.
It is possible to clean out a certain amount of the inside of a laptop using canned compressed air, this involves removing the HDD, CD/DVD drive, the battery, the Ram cover and the RAM, you can then direct the air from the container through the laptops exhaust ports and any other openings, avoid prolonged blasts so as not to damage internal components and keep the container upright as it is possible for fluid to come out of the container if it is tipped horizontally or upside down.

I've also heard from other owners of the Graphics Card, whom also are having heat issues, at the moment it's about 70C idle, which seams VERY hot, it can go up to 100-110C when running High Performance.

The only cure for this is for the chip to be removed and replaced correctly, there is a temporary repair called flowing but it is only temporary, here is a video showing an IBM laptop having the graphics chip reflowed;

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Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for the anwser, unfortunately I cannot find my extern monitor when searching for it, it nor works with pressing fn+f7 (which is the change monitor button) - im posevite that it works, but i cannot locate it, from Display Settings, or the NVIDIA Control Panel

I will try getting my hands on some canned air and I will try to clean the vents from outside, if that does not help on the heat, i will try and go all the way and clean the insides.
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