I've recently ran into a problem consisting of my screen turning completely white when visiting heavy websites and playing games. The issue only steps in after a little while, running the game else perfectly or browsing the site without any problems. The game, or website is running in the bagground, and I can still hear sounds from it, if it is in a game, i can still play it, but no image is shown other than a blank, white screen.
It all started 2 days ago, when i was playing World of Warcraft, my screen would briefly turn white, and then back to normal only seconds later. I ignored it and thought it was some strange weird bug of some sort.
By the way, when the white screen was over, it showed a blink of some decolored image i cannot describe on top of my head, but it only lasted for less than a second.
About 20 minutes later it returned, about the same duration of the white screen, but now it kept coming with less time between. Now, if i open World of Warcraft, it only takes a minute or two before it turns white, but now it lasts for way longer, i've not waited the whole duration, but rather tried shutting down (both soft and hard shutdowns) only to find my reboot screen being completely black. Waiting for a random period of time results in no graphical error when using the computer for anything but 'heavy' applications.
The problem also encounters if i visit Youtube or other sorts of sites that might use more than average sites.
I am running Windows Vista 64Bit Service Pack 1
Asus G2Sg (Laptop) (2,5 years old)
Intel Core Duo T9300 @2,50 GHz processors
4,0Gigs of DDR2 Ram
GeForce 8700m GT Graphic Card
Hope you guys can help me out here
Thanks, Victor
Edited by Zika, 26 December 2010 - 09:39 AM.