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Windows 7 issues - not responding

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About a month ago I got a random screen(blue?)telling me my computer was going to shut down to avoid damage. It did exactly that, but it seemed okay when started next. Last week, howevever, I started having problems again. First, it seemed like my computer was just being slower than normal. Then I noticed that when I had more than one window or tab open, I would start getting not responding messages. I would try to fix the not responding problem by utilizing task manager, but that doesn't always work. Sometimes I end up having to shut the computer off with the on/off button on the tower and restarting. Even when task manager did work, it would be very slow. Also, in the last week, disk check has run twice.

I downloaded OTL but I can't get it to complete a scan. I always get the not responding message. After trying 3 times, I realized it seemed to stop in the same spot: C:\Windows\sysWOW64\mprmsg.dll

I also downloaded Malwarebytes. Again, I can't get a scan to complete...always get the not responding message.

Here is some info that may be useful:

My computer is an HP - model p334f - only 8 or 9 months old
System type is 64-bit
Processor Intel® Core™i3CPU 2.93 GHZ
RAM 8.00 GB

I hope I posted in the right thread. If not, please let me know and I will move this post to the appropriate thread. Any help is much appreciated.

Edited by september, 01 January 2011 - 07:02 PM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Hi september
I suggest you visit the malware forum and follow their self help guide first; http://www.geekstogo...cleaning-guide/
If after doing this you believe your computer may still be infected you need
to start a new topic there, please do not post malware logs here as they are
not used on this forum and only provide them when asked to by the malware guys.
If you get the all clear by the malware forum but you are still having the same
issue, as the computer is only 8/9 months old I suggest you return the computer
under the warranty.
Ram issue or failing HDD if it is not malware would be my guess at the moment so
please back up your HDD at the earliest opportunity, keep us posted with your
progress and good luck.
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Thank you for the response. I have checked out the malware forum and am trying to follow their suggestions. However, I can't seem to get a scan to complete...the fun never ends! I'm going to give it another shot and if it doesn't work, I do believe I saw a thread for that issue as well. Again, thank you!
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    Mechanised Mod

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Thanks for the update, and no worries I just hope you get it sorted.
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