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Screen blacks out and freezes

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Hi! I'm really new and I would really like to join the community here. Well the problem is with my new PC I just bought last week.
-Processor pentium® dual core [email protected]
-2x2GB RAM
-System type 32-bit OS Windows 7 Ultimate
-Display adapters:Intel® G41 Chipset Express
-VGA Asus Nvidia GTX460
-Motherboard Asrock G41M-VS3
-Thermaltake Toughpower XT 775W PSU

As you can see I'm new to the computer hardwares and all, I've just begun to learn about them. Now if there's any information you'd think necessary to analyze the problem please ask me.

I keep getting these computer freeze or a black screen when running a heavy program(Ex. running crysis or even running the performance test on control panel). There would be a beep and then it would blackout. The monitor's power button would flash as if the CPU was turned off but the CPU's still on. I can't figure out the what's causing this. I'm hoping I'll find answers soon.
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    Mechanised Mod

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Hi yerffoeg :D sorry to hear you are having this issue.
That is a decent set up you have there and there are no prime suspects jumping out at me.
Because the computer was only purchased last week I would recommend you return it and have the supplier put it right, this is to avoid the possibility of voiding the warranty by opening the case.
Candidates could be overheating, do you have front to rear ventilation and extraction, PSU, even an 80%+ bronze can have issues even when new, CPU, overheating due to poor ventilation and extraction, HS and fan not seated correctly or an incorrect amount of TIM (thermal interface material) applied, GFX card, same possible overheating cause, not enough power from the PSU, incorrectly seated, some variants of your card require X2 PCI-E X6 pin power connections, does yours and if so are they both connected, drivers, are they up to date, the onboard VGA, has this been disabled and the drivers removed to avoid conflicts, Ram, overheating due to poor ventilation and extraction as above or incorrectly seated and finally the MB which can be affected by or cause all of the above.
So as you can see 99% of the possible causes are hardware related meaning the supplier should resolve this issue and not yourself.
One thing you can do is run Speedfan to check your temps and voltages, do this in normal use and also after using intensive graphics applications/games/videos take screenshots of both and include them with your next post; http://www.almico.com/sfdownload.php
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Seeing that most of the problems comes from the hardware I think it'd be best to take it back to the store and let them try and fix it. As with speedfan as a matter of fact I have been using it and I think I can't post the temperatures when or after running a heavy program (games) as it would freeze before I could do anything. But here's the current temperatures and the only application running is Firefox.

Edit: about your analysis I have only 1 fan on the backside of the case to extract the hot air out of the case. If the TIM you were referring to was thermal paste then no, I haven't placed any. I calculated the power needed to run the entire system and 775W should be more than enough. About the card requiring X2 PCI-E X6 pin power connections I don't really understand what it is as I am new to computer hardwares but what I do know there is 2 slots on the edge of the VGA card for power connectors to the PSU and yes they are both connected. I have done nothing about the onboard VGA as to disable it, is there a guide to how to do so? Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate it. :D

Attached Thumbnails

  • temperaturetest.PNG

Edited by yerffoeg, 03 January 2011 - 04:07 AM.

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    Mechanised Mod

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Temps are fine but the +12V rail looks suspect, download and run HW monitor from the attached link and again post a screen shot http://www.cpuid.com.../hwmonitor.html try watching a youtube video to put the system under at least some sort of load.
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I'll try to post the temps of the computer when running under heavy programs on the next post.

Attached Thumbnails

  • hwmonitor.PNG

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    Mechanised Mod

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I'll try to post the temps of the computer when running under heavy programs on the next post.

Temps and voltages look fine, Speedfan does have hiccups and that is why it is good to have an alternative.
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Yeah so I got searched through Google and found this program for stress testing your computer it's called Prime95. I ran a stress test and I got these results. Still looks normal to me though.

Attached Thumbnails

  • stresstesting.PNG

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    Mechanised Mod

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I would now recommend you make arrangements to return the computer and have them put it right, it is not fit for the purpose that you purchased it and the installed hardware needs thoroughly checking out, you cannot do this as it would void your warranty.
One final test you can do is use Furmark to stress test your GFX card http://www.ozone3d.net/benchmarks/fur/ let us know the results, Im out for a couple of hours now so cannot be here but another member or Tech may look in for you.
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