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Occasional hang on taskbar

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Ian W

Ian W

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Athlon 64x2 dual-core 4800+ 2.51GHz, 2GB RAM, Windows Vista SP2

Generally running all the time -

Firefix 3.6, typically 4 tabs including LiveJournal, FaceBook, SCA related pages, BBC news etc
Email - MailCOPA (V11)
AIM, YIM, GTalk (usually latest versions, as and when I remember)
Windows sidebar with calculator, moonphase, sticky-note, currency convertor & dictionary lookup

+ AVG virus and Spybot S&D

Applications in use (various combinations, but sometimes none)

MS Office 2007 (mostly Word & Excel)
Adobe InDesign CS3
Photoshop 7


After performing some task (reading an email, looking at a web page, some other (there does not seem to be a defined pattern), I move the mouse to the task bar to select another application. I click, but instead of bringing that application forward, I get the hourglass. While this is going, I cannot left or right-click on anything in the task bar. I can alt-tab to any of the running applications and use them without apparent problems. This can last 30 seconds, sometimes more. On a couple of occasions, I have had to invoke task manager (via three-finger salute), kill Explorer and restart it through New Task (and then restart the system). While it is in hourglass mode, it does seem that there is some network traffic going on (bottom left portion of network icon showing activity), but I'm not convinced that is every time.

Possibly related - sometimes, especially after returning to the machine after a long break (screen-saver - Aurora), some applications slow to the point that I application windows assembled - frames, outlines, panes, or an explorer window takes 10s of seconds to populate itself.

I use AVG & Spybot regularly, and have scanned using various online scanners and found nothing. I can't see anything obviously wrong in a HiJackThis scan.

Any ideas?

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Go to start menu and type in perfmon /report it will take 60 seconds to generate a report and take a look for any discrepancies.

Check your device manager for any issues there also visit your manufacturer website and check and get latest drivers.

Also i would recommend uninstall AVG from your system and installing Microsoft Security Essentials........ at least until your problem is solved or maybe this is the cause?

Removed Malware Advise

Then perform chkdsk command prompt > CHKDSK x: /F /R where X is your drive letter.

and or run system file check > sfc /scannow from elevated command prompt.

A little ott? maybe, but it wont do any harm :D

maybe its a compatabiltiy issue with Adobe InDesign CS3/Photoshop 7

See how you go with that.

Edited by Artellos, 07 January 2011 - 03:25 AM.
Removed Malware Advise.

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Ian W

Ian W

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Go to start menu and type in perfmon /report it will take 60 seconds to generate a report and take a look for any discrepancies.

OK - mostly it says that there are excessive pages. The other errors relate to not having all the security it would like and an apparently missing PS2 keyboard - which I don't have ;) I would have hoped 2GB was enough.

Check your device manager for any issues there also visit your manufacturer website and check and get latest drivers.

Nothing showing as in error, despite what perfmon said.

Also i would recommend uninstall AVG from your system and installing Microsoft Security Essentials........ at least until your problem is solved or maybe this is the cause?

Download and install MalwareBytes and update it, then reboot into safemode then run a deep scan and then again in normal mode.

Will do later

Then perform chkdsk command prompt > CHKDSK x: /F /R where X is your drive letter.

and or run system file check > sfc /scannow from elevated command prompt.

Likewise - but when the hang occurs, there does not appear to be any disk activity.

A little ott? maybe, but it wont do any harm :D

maybe its a compatabiltiy issue with Adobe InDesign CS3/Photoshop 7

Not so far as I know, as those two I only run occasionally, and when I do, I don't seem to get any more occurrences of the hang than when I'm not running them.


See how you go with that.

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