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I've recently purchased a whole new computer but since my old one had a copy of win7 anyways I decided to keep the old hardrive so it could feel more like an upgrade then a complete restart (I know its bad to do that but I wanted to keep all my programs etc).

now the actual problem is whenever I use programs or am doing something that uses a lot of internet access (like second life or streaming a movie) it will frequently cause my computer to bsod with an driver_IQRL_not_less_then_or_equal and its TCPIP.SYS doing it, I looked around for a solution already on this site and found fixes for similar problems, however because my situation is a bit different its not the same fix.

any help would be appreciated :D

attached is a zip with my minidump

Attached Files

Edited by Sooba, 14 January 2011 - 09:48 PM.

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Well I never was one to count on others for everything XD especially complete strangers that's why I went about and solved my problem on my own and in case somehow someone ends up in the exact same situation I was in here is how I got my solution.

First I went and downloaded http://www.nirsoft.n...creen_view.html (bluescreenview) and using it I was able to determine the drivers that were causing my error/bsod. Now it was not just any 1 problem a few drivers popped up but the most predominant one was e1q62x64.sys (the others still had to do with network card drivers.

after knowing what caused the problem I went about completely removing the bad driver from my computer then got the drivers from intels website (for me it was my intel gigabit network drivers that were bad but for you if may be something else) and installed the new ones.

Presto has it and the errors went away! no more bsods and the like but to be completely certain I even went through my registry and cleaned up the older settings from the old driver but I'm fairly certain that is an unnecessary extra bit.

Hope this helps anyone else who runs into this problem!

Edited by Sooba, 16 January 2011 - 02:04 AM.

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