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Problem with my Mouse

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Kind of hard to explain, so if you don't understand please let me know haha

Basically, my left click has just, stopped working (I have a touchpad, using a laptop). When I initially start Windows, the cursor will only allow me to highlight my desktop, you know the blue square thing? And that's all I can do, other than right-click which funtions normally. So I've had to swap the right click and left click around in the Control Panel

However, because I've swapped them around, I can't get the right-click menu up anymore (excluding the little keyboard button). Also, this one is a bit more difficult to explain. Say I've got Firefox open and I'm browsing a page, clicking links etc, as soon as I switch to another tab or a different application, I can't click anymore. It's as if my cursor doesn't detect that there is anything clickable. I have to Alt-Tab between my desktop and said program and then I can suddenly click again. Really weird.

Also, I only noticed this after finishing this post, but when I open the start menu, when I click the right-click button it actually opens the right-click menu despite being set to act as the left-click

Are there any troubleshooting tips for my Mouse software? Thanks in advance

Here's some info on my Laptop, I can't seem to find any info on my touchpad in the Control Panel:

Toshiba Satellite P300-19P

Windows Vista Home Premium Service Pack 2

Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
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    Mechanised Mod

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Hi samwiches,
Not sure about mouse trouble shooting software Im afraid, have you tried either your mouse on another computer or another mouse on your computer, what is the make & model of the mouse & have you checked for malware?
If you suspect your system may have a malware issue I suggest you check out the self help guide at the malware forum http://www.geekstogo...cleaning-guide/ if after following the guide you believe your system may still be infected you need to start a new topic there and not post any malware logs on this forum as they are not used here, provide them with a link to this thread to show them what if any steps have been taken. Once you get the all clear from the malware guys if the issue is not resolved return here and someone will assist you.
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