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I love G2G and would like to pay it forward. Interested in attending GeekU but worried I will not have enough time to devote to the process. Understand its 'at your own pace' but interested in hearing approximate # of hours / week from Admin staff or recent graduate.

Thanks, A-cat :D
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    Retired Staff

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Hi a-cat!

It's great to hear that you have an interest in GeekU. While it is structured to be at your own pace, it does require a fair amount of time and research. There are students that are active daily, while others, maybe only once or twice a week. Neither is the "correct" way of going through the training -- it all depends upon the individual.

I will say, though, that the most important thing to consider regarding time is how frequently you are able to respond to the users here on the forum. Once you've reached that point in your training (or graduated), it is very important that you respond in a timely manner. Imagine somebody coming to G2G for help with their infected computer, only to have an expert respond once or twice a week. The last thing we want to do is leave somebody in the lurch because we have other things going on.

That being said, it is very important that you have your life and enjoy it, too. This is why many of the experts are unavailable on the weekends.

Ultimately, going through GeekU is a challenge, but it is very rewarding -- especially when you get the thanks of all the people you help! :D

Not sure if this helps, but really, only you can decide if you have enough time.

Good luck!

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It's difficult to put an exact timeframe on it, to be honest - some of it depends on your current knowledge and skill, and some of it just depends on how quickly you can read and absorb information. I'd say an hour or more a day is not unrealistic. While Elster makes an excellent point about response time once you're a helper, one thing to keep in mind for the training is that we're looking for steady progress; consistent replies help you better retain the material and help us better judge if you're learning. That doesn't mean you have to complete a practice log a day, or even a week, you just have to show that you're are sticking with us.
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Elster & Sari, thanks for your reply and insight on GeekU.

I totally get the seriousness of the commitment. Hope to submit an application provided I can reshuffle my work hours / gain more time.

Thanks again. A-cat
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Hi,I was applied for the GeekU three weeks ago.I still haven't get any response yet.Today,I can't find my application form in the "GeekU Application".What does it mean?My application is failed?
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Yongsua, I suggest starting your own new topic in forum 'Off Topic' with that question (replying here, to my individual GeekU inquiry, is not likely to produce an answer for you).
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