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Ps3 help

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Okay, so the other month my ps3 controller stopped working full stop, nothing would happen, but my mum brought me a new one, and its got a usb stick with it so that the ps3 can pick it up but the problem is whenever I put the usb stick in my ps3 it doesn't light up or anything my ps3 controller lights either flash or flash stupidly fast and I don't know what to do, yes I've already used the usb and it just doesn't do anything at all
Help? I miss playing my ps3 :/
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i dont know if this will help.. but did you get a cord with you ps3 to plug in your controlers? if so try pluging it in .. then turn on your ps3 then press the botton to turn on your controller... let it sit for about 5 mins then unplug the cord...
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Okay, so the other month my ps3 controller stopped working full stop, nothing would happen, but my mum brought me a new one, and its got a usb stick with it so that the ps3 can pick it up but the problem is whenever I put the usb stick in my ps3 it doesn't light up or anything my ps3 controller lights either flash or flash stupidly fast and I don't know what to do, yes I've already used the usb and it just doesn't do anything at all
Help? I miss playing my ps3 :/

turn on your ps3 then press the botton to turn on your controller... let it sit for about 5 mins then unplug the cord.
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PS3 Doesn't Require a USB stick to recognise a Wireless controller?

Try using a USB Cable instead. Sounds to me like the controller is not Original?
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