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Laptop HELP!

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  • PipPip
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Alright, so I have a laptop over 1 and half years old and a desktop computer. On the desktop computer the connection and everything works fine, on the laptop I can't open or connect to any site even though it clearly says I am connected and the signal strength is excellent. I called my ISP, they said everything was good so they said call your router provider, so I did(its D-Link). So I give them a call, and I talk to the guy over 20 mins, we tried so many things to make it work. I changed my IP, the name of the SSID, new pre shared key and couple others as well and still nothing. My brother decides to take it to Best Buy(we bought it there) and they take a look. And apparently there is something wrong inside it, and they said that I could do it if I had the CD that I got with it, and I do its called Windows Live OneCare, the thing is, when I launch it, it says checking updates...but can't find any cause it won't open any website. So, I was like ***, and I got really mad. I really want to fix this instead of having to pay 200$ to get it fixed.

You guys think there is any other CD's that I could have gotten?

Any thoughts on what else I could do and how can I get it to connect and find updates? I tried wiring straight from the modem and everything and still nothing

Really need help on this one thanks :D
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  • PipPipPip
  • 202 posts
this was my challenge with TW cable hookup and they finally gave me a little usb hookup and all challenges gone.
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