I've been using Winamp for a month or so now, and I recently installed an Add-On -Winamp Lyrics (Explorer Version) v1.22- which I think is my problem. The Add-On worked after installing it, but when I restarted the computer and started Winamp again, Windows gave me a message saying
"Winamp has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly."
I reinstalled Winamp, and Winamp and the Add-On worked fine. Another reboot later, the same problem happened again. I then uninstalled the Add-On via the "Programs and Features" and rebooted again. The same message popped up when I tried to open Winamp.
I've uninstalled Winamp completely, and then reinstalled it, after which Winamp works fine, but the Add-On is still installed and works for one session! Another reboot later, Winamp stops working again. Now I get a "RunDLL" window that says
"Error loading NVCPL.DLL
The specified module could not be found"
I've looked in C:\Windows\System32 and NVCPL.DLL isn't there!
This doesn't seem to affect my use of the computer much, but it's a bit worrying to have to click okay to this error window several times upon startup!
How can I get rid of this problem, and get my music running again?
Thanks for any help!