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irql_not_less_or_equal BSOD

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  • PipPip
  • 33 posts
Hi guys

I have a problem with a BSOD when running any torrent handler. Its seriously frustrating me and im considering a factory restore because ive tried everythin to stop it happening but to no avail. Im hoping someone may be good enough to try to help me with the problem.

I have used Bitlord for years without a single problem up until last thursday. For some reason it just stopped connecting to any seeds on any of the torrents i added to it. After uninstaling/reinstalling and checking all the settings I couldnt work out what was wrong so i decided to change handler and decided to go for Utorrent as it had good reviews. After installing Utorrent i added a few torrents and after a minute or so I got the "irql_not_less_or_equal BSOD"

I didnt think too much of it because over the past couple months or so i had had a 1 or 2 blue screens at random points, but I didnt know why and it only happened once or twice in a couple months so it didnt overly bother me

After rebooting i opened Utorrent again and - BSOD

Another reboot and i left Utorrent closed for about 10 minutes with no problems. I opened Utorrent and a minute or so later - BSOD

Ive tried quite a few different torrent handlers and they all have the same effect. Ive googled the problem and searched the net thoroughly but cannot find a reason why its happening or way to stop it. The only thing that I have found though playing around (really strange) is that if I have Utorrent open, but no active torrents - it can stay running without causing BSOD. If I have 1 or 2 torrent downloading, it doenst cause a BSOD, as soon as I have 3 or more torrents running - BSOD

Ive read that disablind Utorrents disc caching can stop it - ive tried this but still get the BSOD. Ive also updated the drivers on my network card, but still BSOD

Id really appreciate it if someone could offer any advice on how to stop this from happening because i use torrents everyday and the problem is really hindering me.

The network card im using is a Realtek RTL8101E
Thanks in advance for any help

Edited by rshaffer61, 07 March 2011 - 09:18 AM.
Removed image due to windows registration number was shown.

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GTG does not assist in issues with P2P problems except for the removal of the programs pursuant to the Terms Of Use. This thread will be turned over to a Administrator and closed according to the reasons stated above. Please be aware that GTG will help to rid your system of P2P programs if you choose to do so by starting a new topic and asking for assistance. For future information please read the Terms Of Use in the link at the top of forum. The reason we don't support P2P is because of the law and risk of infection possibly caused by the files downloaded. A great many of these files have infections in them and will cause in some cases your system to become unusable.
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