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Even Safe Mode Wont Start Due To Vista Antispyware

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last night the virus Vista Antispyware appeared on my computer, I had malwarebytes already on my computer (which is a laptop) but it would not run, so I decided I would restart my computer in safe mode & hopefully it would run. So I shutdown my computer tapped on F8 so I could run in safemode, I tried safemode but all I got was a screen for startup repair. I tried start up repair but it did not work, I cannot start windows normally or in safe mode at this point, I even tried to restore my computer to an earlier point and it won't do that either. I am a complete novice when it comes to this type of thing. I have been reading forums and looking up similar situations & fixes but I cannot find any solution to this problem, except of course to remove my hard drive and put into another computer to delete the files, I am in no way adept enough to attempt such a thing. Does anyone have any other options for me? Thank you so much
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    Global Moderator

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Hi, :)

Let me know if you have the Installation DVD.

We will need to view the system status from an external environment. You will need a USB drive and a CD to burn. There will be several steps to follow.

Download GETxPUD.exe to the desktop of your clean computer
  • Run GETxPUD.exe
  • A new folder will appear on the desktop.
  • Open the GETxPUD folder and click on the get&burn.bat
  • The program will download xpud_0.9.2.iso, and upon finished will open BurnCDCC ready to burn the image.
  • Click on Start and follow the prompts to burn the image to a CD.
  • Next download driver.sh to your USB drive
  • Also Download Query.exe to the USB drive. In your working computer, navigate to the USB drive and click on the Query.exe. A folder and a file, query.sh, will be extracted.
  • Remove the USB & CD and insert them in the sick computer
  • Boot the Sick computer with the CD you just burned
  • The computer must be set to boot from the CD
  • In some computers you need to tap F12 and choose to boot from the CD, in others is the Esc key. Please consult your computer's documentation.
  • Follow the prompts
  • A Welcome to xPUD screen will appear
  • Press File
  • Expand mnt
  • sda1,2...usually corresponds to your HDD
  • sdb1 is likely your USB
  • Click on the folder that represents your USB drive (sdb1 ?)
  • Confirm that you see driver.sh that you downloaded there
  • Press Tool at the top
  • Choose Open Terminal
  • Type bash driver.sh
  • Press Enter
  • After it has finished a report will be located on your USB drive named report.txt
  • Then type bash driver.sh -af
  • Press Enter
  • You will be prompted to input a filename.
  • Type the following:


  • Press Enter
  • If successful, the script will search for this file.
  • After it has completed the search enter the next file to be searched
  • Type the following:


  • Press Enter
  • After it has completed the search enter the next file to be searched
  • Type the following:


  • Press Enter
  • After the search is completed type Exit and press Enter.
  • After it has finished a report will be located in the USB drive as filefind.txt
  • While still in the Open Terminal, type bash query.sh
  • Press Enter
  • After it has finished a report will be located in the USB drive as RegReport.txt
  • Then type dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr.bin bs=512 count=1

    Leave a space among the following Statements:

    dd is the executable application used to create the backup
    if=/dev/sda is the device the backup is created from - the hard drive when only one HDD exists
    of=mbr.bin is the backup file to create - note the lack of a path - it will be created in the directory currently open in the Terminal
    bs=512 is the number of bytes in the backup
    count=1 says to backup just 1 sector

    It is extremely important that the if and of statements are correctly entered.

  • Press Enter
  • After it has finished a report will be located in the USB drive as mbr.bin
  • Plug the USB back into the clean computer, zip the mbr.bin, and except for the mbr.bin zipped file, post the contents of the report.txt, filefind.txt and RegReport.txt in your next reply. The mbr.bin zipped file must be attached to your reply.

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